Lat long Converter
1. Coordinate Picker Tools
- AMap Coordinate Picker:
- Baidu Coordinate Picker:
- Tencent Coordinate Picker:
- Google Maps Coordinate Picker (Right-click):
2. Supported Map Coordinate System Conversions
- Single coordinate conversion.
- Batch coordinate conversion, up to 100,000 entries.
- UTM to WGS84 or WGS84 to UTM uses 6-degree zones by default, 3-degree zones are not supported.
- If you want to learn more about various coordinate systems, you can visit: 16 Types of Coordinate Systems.
2.1 Seven Parameter Definition
The seven-parameter transformation is a common method used to convert coordinates between different geodetic datums. This model includes three translation parameters, three rotation parameters, and one scale parameter, making a total of seven parameters, hence the term 'seven parameters'.
2.1.1 Translation Parameters: - dx: Translation along the X-axis, measured in meters (m). - dy: Translation along the Y-axis, measured in meters (m). - dz: Translation along the Z-axis, measured in meters (m). 2.1.2 Rotation Parameters: - rx: Rotation around the X-axis, measured in radians (rad). Sometimes also measured in seconds, which need to be converted to radians. - ry: Rotation around the Y-axis, measured in radians (rad). - rz: Rotation around the Z-axis, measured in radians (rad). 2.1.3 Scale Parameter: - s: Scale factor, usually measured in parts per million (ppm). If the scale factor is 1 ppm, then the value of s is s = 1 * 10^-6. 2.1.4 Example: - dx:-679.0, dy:669.0, dz:-48.0, rx:-0.00000376632, ry:-0.00000094672, rz:-0.00000285841, s:0.0000000000
3. Latitude and Longitude Format Description
3.1 DMS (Degrees Minutes Seconds) Format
DMS format represents latitude and longitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds. For example:
Latitude: 40°26'46''N
Longitude: 79°58'56''W
Here, 40° represents 40 degrees, 26' represents 26 minutes, and 46'' represents 46 seconds. The final character is the direction parameter, where longitude direction can be E (East) or W (West), and latitude direction can be N (North) or S (South).
DMS format is more suitable for use in paper maps or navigation.
3.2 Decimal Format
Decimal format represents latitude and longitude in decimal numbers. For example:
Latitude: 40.446
Longitude: -79.982
Here, -79.982 represents the degrees of longitude, and 40.446 represents the degrees of latitude.
Decimal format is more suitable for use in computer and GIS systems.