
Lat long Converter

1. Coordinate Picker Tools

2. Supported Map Coordinate System Conversions

  • Single coordinate conversion.
  • Batch coordinate conversion, up to 100,000 entries.
  • UTM to WGS84 or WGS84 to UTM uses 6-degree zones by default, 3-degree zones are not supported.
  • If you want to learn more about various coordinate systems, you can visit: 16 Types of Coordinate Systems.
Convert WGS84 to GCJ02 coordinates.
Convert WGS84 to BD09 coordinates.
Convert WGS84 to CGCS2000 coordinates.
Convert GCJ02 to WGS84 coordinates.
Convert GCJ02 to BD09 coordinates.
Convert GCJ02 to CGCS2000 coordinates.
Convert BD09 to WGS84 coordinates.
Convert BD09 to GCJ02 coordinates.
Convert BD09 to CGCS2000 coordinates.
Convert CGCS2000 to WGS84 coordinates.
Convert CGCS2000 to GCJ02 coordinates.
Convert CGCS2000 to BD09 coordinates.
Convert UTM to WGS84 (Latitude Longitude) coordinates
Convert WGS84 (Latitude Longitude) to UTM coordinates
Convert DMS (Degrees Minutes Seconds) to Decimal (Lat Long)
Convert Decimal (Lat Long) to DMS (Degrees Minutes Seconds)
Convert WGS84 to ETRS89 Coordinate
Convert ETRS89 to WGS84 Coordinate (ETRS89 to lat long)
Convert WGS84 to JGD2011 Coordinate
Convert JGD2011 to WGS84 Coordinate
Convert WGS84 to JGD2000 Coordinate
Convert JGD2000 to WGS84 Coordinate
Convert WGS84 to PRS92 Coordinate
Convert PRS92 to WGS84 Coordinate
Convert WGS84 to ED50 Coordinate
Convert ED50 to WGS84 Coordinate
Convert WGS84 to HTRS96 Coordinate
Convert HTRS96 to WGS84 Coordinate
Convert WGS84 to GDM2000 Coordinate
Convert GDM2000 to WGS84 Coordinate
Convert WGS84 to Clarke 1880 Coordinate
Convert Clarke 1880 to WGS84 Coordinate
Convert WGS84 to BJ54 Coordinate
Convert BJ54 to WGS84 Coordinate
Convert WGS84 to BJ2000 Coordinate
Convert BJ2000 to WGS84 Coordinate
Convert CGCS2000 to BJ2000 coordinates.
Convert BJ2000 to CGCS2000 coordinates.
Convert WGS84 to Indian 1975 Coordinate
Convert Indian 1975 to WGS84 Coordinate

2.1 Seven Parameter Definition

The seven-parameter transformation is a common method used to convert coordinates between different geodetic datums. This model includes three translation parameters, three rotation parameters, and one scale parameter, making a total of seven parameters, hence the term 'seven parameters'.

2.1.1 Translation Parameters: - dx: Translation along the X-axis, measured in meters (m). - dy: Translation along the Y-axis, measured in meters (m). - dz: Translation along the Z-axis, measured in meters (m). 2.1.2 Rotation Parameters: - rx: Rotation around the X-axis, measured in radians (rad). Sometimes also measured in seconds, which need to be converted to radians. - ry: Rotation around the Y-axis, measured in radians (rad). - rz: Rotation around the Z-axis, measured in radians (rad). 2.1.3 Scale Parameter: - s: Scale factor, usually measured in parts per million (ppm). If the scale factor is 1 ppm, then the value of s is s = 1 * 10^-6. 2.1.4 Example: - dx:-679.0, dy:669.0, dz:-48.0, rx:-0.00000376632, ry:-0.00000094672, rz:-0.00000285841, s:0.0000000000

3. Latitude and Longitude Format Description

3.1 DMS (Degrees Minutes Seconds) Format

DMS format represents latitude and longitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds. For example:

Latitude: 40°26'46''N
Longitude: 79°58'56''W

Here, 40° represents 40 degrees, 26' represents 26 minutes, and 46'' represents 46 seconds. The final character is the direction parameter, where longitude direction can be E (East) or W (West), and latitude direction can be N (North) or S (South).

DMS format is more suitable for use in paper maps or navigation.

3.2 Decimal Format

Decimal format represents latitude and longitude in decimal numbers. For example:

Latitude: 40.446
Longitude: -79.982

Here, -79.982 represents the degrees of longitude, and 40.446 represents the degrees of latitude.

Decimal format is more suitable for use in computer and GIS systems.